Tuesday, 2 October 2007

My first Mutter

“Life is a journey” must be one of the oldest clichés yet it is a true one. We, musicians, instrumentalists, violinists, embark on a journey within a journey. It is a long way and very rewarding to most of us, yet sometimes we get tired, or lost or even unmotivated to continue. When I was in such situations I was lucky enough to find help; guides who said wise and (sometimes) kind words and helped me find my way again.

As a teacher and a performer I am in contact with students and professional musicians and many times have encountered people in need. I tried to help them the way I was helped. Sometimes I was successful and sometimes less so.

So this is why I am starting this blog.

Sharing information is what is so great about this age and I am curious as what I will find to say and who will read it and what reaction it will provoke.

About me:
I am a violinist, 36 years old (but I really feel 16 to be honest, and sometimes 6). I have an impressive professional CV, you know.. played here.. taught there... I have lived in several countries and done several different things in my life including writting books, martial arts, stand up comedy, political commentary and...well... more...
This gives me prespective and perhaps some wisdom, but I would like you to judge my words not because I said them but because of what they say to you.
You can find about me at my web site www.Eyalkless.com which will be set up around end of October 07 (I hope).

In the mean time, enjoy!


1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi Eyal.
I found your blog by chance, and so glad I did and bless for it.